Job Title:
Sales and Marketing executive
How Long Have You Worked Here?
I have been with the Magazine for nearly 2 years now
I am Here to:
Do advertising and Marketing. I mainly deal with wining and dining section of the magazine, but as we are a small independent company we all help out and deal with many different parts of the magazine.
Meet the Team
Tracy Gregory
Elle Scott
Job Title and How Long You Have Worked Here:
Advertising Executive, 19months (nearly 2 years)
I Am Here to:
Sell advertising in an established magazine, to offer my skills if any design work needs doing and to obviously give our customers the best deal possible to assist in promoting their business to our readers.
I Believe:
Tidy desk...tidy mind. My desk is a mess!
Cathy Upton
Job title and how long you have worked here:
Editorial Executive. I have worked here since December 2007.
I Am Here to:
Annoy mainly I think! No I am here to organise and layout the magazine, without breaking too many things! I am the clumsiest member of the team!
Kate Wilton
Job Title and How Long Have You Worked Here:
Accounts, subscriptions and general run around - I have been here from day one.
I Am Here to:
Help and answer queries wherever I can
I Believe:
All the parking spaces fill up just before I drive into town! I also believe there are fairies -who else keeps hiding my car keys when I want them. Life is for living - Go for it as time flies!
Jeremy Wilton
Job title and how long you have worked here:
Publisher/Editor- since the beginning. For my sins I worked as a tabloid photographer on Fleet Street (when it was still Fleet Street) Did a five year stretch and returned to my home town - the best town in the country- Banbury. I started the magazine and originally called it Banbury Fare - people confused it with the Michaelmas Fair however, so I changed the title to Four Shires - reflecting the area we circulate in. I like photographs - pictures - are what make the magazine a little bit different.