Read the winners story here

As part of our 20th anniversary celebrations we ran a new competition this year. Our Young Author challenge asked writers from the age of 5 – 14 to submit a story of no more then 500 words with the title of a ‘Summer Adventure’.

We had a fantastic amount of entries and choosing the winners proved to be a very hard task indeed. But after reading, re-reading and plenty of delibaration we choose 4 winners (a first and second place winner within the two age categories). Below is our 1st place winner in the 5 – 9 age group  – we will be publishing our 10 – 14 winners story on our website on the 4th October.

Both stories can also be found within the print edition of our October Birthday, celebration issue of Four Shires Magazine which is avilable to purchase now! Second place winners for each catergory with be publishing in print and online during November

FIRST PLACE WINNER 5-9 AGE GROUP                                                                                                                                                                                   EDWIN LANCASTER, AGE 7 FROM KIDLINGTON

A Summer Adventure

Once there was a little boy name Max. He was on holiday with his dad in Australia. Max’s dad was going to get Max a strawberry ice cream. He bought the ice cream and Max loved it. But he dropped it.

“Waaah”!, he cried, but then things started to happen. The cone disappeared and two eyes plus a mouth popped out. Max and his dad slithered away in terror. “Aaargh!”, Other people saw it, and even worse, it ate people! It became bigger and bigger until Max had an idea!

That’s it!, He cried. “We have to throw something cold at it”! So he raced to his hotel and got his freezer and wheeled it all the way. He passed it to a wrestler, and he hurled it at the monster. It turned back into an ice cream and the cone plus everyone who was eaten reappeared.

“One hour rule” said Max picking it up.




The team at Four Shires chose Edwin’s story because it showed a lot of imagination and also a lot of fun – We are not sure that we will look a strawberry ice cream in quite the same way again! – Congratulations Edwin and we hope that you continue to tell stories.