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Friday, Mar 02nd

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Brethertons launch hub

jpeg-hi-res-cmyk-brethertons-logo-cmykProperty Management specialist solicitors Brethertons is pleased to announce the launch of the Property Management Alliance (PMA) Knowledge Hub.  The Hub is designed to provide up-to-date information on legal matters affecting the residential property management sector.  It contains a range of articles, factsheets and newsletters that clients, contacts, students or potential clients can subscribe to free of charge.

Alison McCormack, head of property management at Brethertons explains: "Whether you are a client, contact, student or potential client, we hope that you'll find this a useful and informative resource, our new PM Alliance Knowledge Hub underlines our specialist approach to solving your legal problems."

"We hope that those working in or connected to the residential property management industry, including managing agents, freeholders, developers, suppliers, members of residents associations, directors of RMC's and RTM companies together with members of ARMA, IRPM, ARHM, FPRA and the RICS will subscribe to this new online service."

For a direct link to the PM Alliance Knowledge Hub visit: featured factsheets include:

  • Understanding Collective Enfranchisement
  • What is Commonhold?
  • Energy Performance Certificates
  • Liability of Service Charge after a Flat is Sold
  • Consultation Regarding Major Works and Long Term Contracts
  • Reserve and Sinking Finds Explained
  • Understanding Residents Association
  • Understanding the Lease Ground Rent and Service Charge

Subscribers to the Hub will also be able to book onto forthcoming webinars, subscribe to Brethertons newsletters and will be able to join the PM Alliance Linkedin group.

Brethertons' property management team operate in the complex area of recoveries, dealing with landlords and residential property managers to recover ground rent and service charge payments.  The team of 23 property managers work with their clients to recover service charge arrears for their sizable property developments throughout the UK. 

The team also works closely with the main recognised industry professional bodies, the Association of Residential Managing Agents (ARMA) and the Institute of Residential Property Management (IRPM).  They deliver training sessions to hundreds of ARMA /IRPM members via a series of web based seminars throughout the year and are soon to host the fourth IRPM legal training weekend at which student members attend.